Dear Diary...

Its Official! I have a blog and this is the place to see my news and views. Enjoy!

2020 - was never gonna be easy...
06/04/20 11:23
So 2020 is a big year for me as I hit 50.  Zero years always prove fun for me as they tally with a big birthday.  

I actually wasnt too fussed about hitting 50.  Had decided it was going to be my year of 'no more shit' so was going to organise a few reunions of old friends and if things didnt go as hoped then was going to clear out my FB and other social media. 

However, things are not going quite as Id planned.  

2020 is the year of Covid19 - a Coronavirus.  

Not sure exactly when things really hit the UK, but do remember cancelling a monthly pub meet in mid February as we were being told to stay away from others.  

The Elderly were being told to stay inside. 

Slowly companies sent their staff to work at home. 

The Premier League stopped playing mid March and so our work dried up.  It wasnt looking good for us at that point.  We had savings, but were scrabbling around to see what other work we could generate. 

Then 23 March was the big one.  The Government announced we were on Lockdown.  Everyone instructed to stay indoors.  One walk a day and only shop for essentials. 

The NHS was going to be struggling with all the new patients with the virus and so Lockdown would reduce the amount of people catching it. 

We work from home so not much difference there, but all hours of the day without going out for a shopping spree, meeting friends etc.  Its proving a little testing. 

So here we are on 6 April, 2 weeks in.  

Matti is still recovering from her 2nd leg operation so she cant run freely and is getting frustrated, as is Marlie as he wants to play. 

We are going out on walks which are a good escape from all thats going on.  

Daily news broadcasts from the Government are depresssing as they are always "going to do" not "done".  Things like giving hospital staff the right protective equipment.  Closing the pubs/clubs etc.  Herd immunisation.  Lots of errors.  Im not entirely sure that they are not trying to kill off the elderly and weak.   

Strangely enough, Boris has been struck down by it and is now in hospital.  Maybe that will be his wake up call and things will happen faster from now on 

There are, strangely, a few pluses.   We no longer have any takeaways or meals out.  Thats saved a fair bit of money although we are probably spending more on alcohol to cope!!! :D

We do video conferencing with the family and chat on Whatsapp, Im seeing more posts from my cousins than Ive done for a long time before.  

Some jobs are getting done in the garden finally.  The veg patch is almost sorted.  So now need to work out what to plan.  Would be nice to be more self sufficient. 

Our work has picked up as well.  As there was no footy being shown, the channels needed content to fill the air time and having a fast broadband has proved to be great as not many other editors have the same facility.  Hopefully it continues. 

And even the world has changed. Lower levels of pollution, clearer water, and cleaner air.  For example, the seas around Venice are clear for once so you can see the bottom.  

And my 50th? well its still a month away, but there is little likelihood of things changing for now so we have cancelled our posh meal in Le Manoir.  Im not going camping with the girls.  Im not going to get a meal out with my family and our plans to go to Wales to celebrate my Mother in Law, mine and Matti's birthday are all out the window.  

My boss Tom used to quote the alledged Chinese proverb about "interesting times".   There is no doubt, we are definitely living in those times at the moment. 

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