I am getting worse at writing up things on here, I apologise.
So last year in a nutshell, some good, some bad.
We finally managed to get a holiday after 4 years, in fact we did 3 holidays!
In early May we went to Milan and saw Muse. Fab concert and trip.
In late May we went to Thailand - Khao Lak. It rained. It flooded. It rained some more. It flooded again. It rained even more. We ate well and my PLE was happy as we didnt see much sun at all. Not quite the relaxing time we had hoped though and T went down with food poisoning in the last week as well. Made a change me sitting in the hotel room with him, normally its been the other way around!
In July we went to Pompeii and saw Dave Gilmour at the Amphitheatre. Once again a fab concert and a great trip.
So that was all good.
During the Summer, Alex, Lesley and Lee all visited - was great to see them all. Sadly, I had hoped to make it a big reunion of the whole crowd as it was 30 y...
Dear Diary...
Its Official! I have a blog and this is the place to see my news and views. Enjoy!
Kept meaning to write, but never seemed to have the time, cant believe its been so long.
So 2014 hasnt been mentioned at all - that is partly cos it was annus horribilis in many ways.
In May, I had my Carpel Tunnel fixed - my right hand - so that was a fun few months following getting healed, but its made a huge difference.
In April, my father decided to go up a ladder to get to the Village Hall's roof, downside, he never made it up there and next thing he was flat out on the ground. An angel was looking after him that day as the place his head landed was right between 2 concrete posts and the ground was dug up a bit so not solid concrete.
He damaged his back and he broke both wrists. It knocked him for six - upset all his insides and was pretty scary for all of us.
It took a long while for him to start to get back to normal - his wrists needed plates and he ended up also having his carpel tunnel fixed as well! Its now a year and a half later and h...
Its been a good number of years since I last spoke to Mr Talbot, but I sometimes wonder what he is up to. Is he happy, still married, still working in Croydon.
I do have some regrets that we lost touch, but it wasnt all down to me.
I hope he is enjoying life and would like to think he is happy.