Dear Diary...

Its Official! I have a blog and this is the place to see my news and views. Enjoy!

09/11/05 18:38
The bain of my life at the moment! Just had a nightmare trying to get my site redone using CSS and now found that it works well in Internet Explorer but you are screwed if you want to use Firefox! ARGH!
Hello World!
07/08/05 18:35
Hi There This is my personal blog. Its the first time Ive had a blog on my own website so hope you find what I have to say of interest. Feel free to feedback. See you soon!
New York, New York
03/03/05 11:32

January 2005

Tony bought me the trip to New York as a Christmas present, I'd never been before and in the run up to going, we kept watching films and programmes and when NY featured, we'd shout 'we're going there!' Tuesday - before we were due to go - Jaff suddenly developed trouble peeing, panic set in and we dashed him to the vets. The vet gave him an injection and sent him home on the premise that if he still hadnt peeed that night then to bring him back in. You guessed it - Wednesday, we had to take him back as he had still not peed - at this point we started thinking wed have to cancel the weekend! Luckily he got the all clear from the vet after being seen to and was ok to come home. We were able to leave a happier, healthy cat behind when we left on Thursday. No happenings on the way to Heathrow airport, where we stuffed our faces before boarding. Tony at the Airport However, when we got on the Virgin plane, they announced that the auxillary power generator wasnt working, but that it didnt...