Did you know that the Eye of Horus is the left eye. Was spooked out by this after seeing a Psychic.
So September was my check up and there was good news at last! My retina was reattached. Sadly the vision was not changed and I have a Central Scotoma (no central vision and nothing in colour) and scarring on the left side and upper right side means I have black spots
My next check up was 22nd January and again the retina was still attached. I had gone with hopes of hearing that things might be improving so was left quite flat when I was told that my capsule was really cloudy (thickened) and would need surgery. However, the doctor was concerned that it could cause me problems if they did the surgery as it would let more light in and my brain might struggle with the vision as its double. He wanted to wait again and see how things went. I think the idea of doing surgery after all ive been through was a bit daunting for both him and me. The longer gap between might m...
Dear Diary...
Its Official! I have a blog and this is the place to see my news and views. Enjoy!
I have been lapse.
I usually write a summary of the year at year end, but I didnt do that so apologies
I guess its cos 2019 wasnt exactly the best of years. It wasnt Annus Horriblus either, but it could have been better.
Hightlights were:
We adopted another dog. Another one eyed wonder from M... Sadly he wasnt born with one eye, he had 2. The history isnt well known, but as we understand it. He had a home (he was found with a collar on) and then he was thrown out (they assume) and not being a street dog, he didnt understand the street ways and was hit by a truck and lost his eye.
He came to us in April and its taking time for him to trust. Also the eye wasnt removed but was left to wither in the socket and it seems that caused problems as we had him checked before Christmas and they found he still had the reflex which would have been uncomfortable. Also when they operated they found he had scar tissue between the eye ball and socket so that would no...
That did happen. This time I was sedated as injections in the eye start to get a bit more painful. It wasnt too bad although the sedation was incredibly mild so still felt some pain.
The oil went in and everything was great. I could see really well in fact too well for my glasses so ended up cutting some glasses in half and that worked brilliantly.
I had a checkup on 20th June and it seemed everything was looking good.
A second checkup on 29th August suggested all was still looking good so an op was booked for October to remove the oil and do a cateract operation then that was it.
October arrived and on 5th I went back into surgery. Once again I was sedated but it was a bit better this time.
The oil was removed, the cateract removed and a new lens put in, but then it became clear that there was still a problem - more tears due to the scar tissue.
Work was done to heal t...